Easy Signs News - Page 23
Step and Repeat Banner Stand: An Essential Tool for Events
Step and Repeat Banners have become an incredibly popular way of promoting this type of visibility, one aspect of these excellent marketing tools that is sometimes overlooked is the importance of making sure of one specific detail.
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The Step and Repeat Banner: 10 Tips for a Terrific Backdrop
Step and Repeat Banners primarily function to promote a business but are also excellent for photo opportunities and to entertain as well. With the right design and setup, your backdrop banner will be able to do both.
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Your Cinderella Moment: Transform Your Next Event with Step and Repeat Backdrops
The marketplace is inundated with companies vying for everyone’s attention, making it challenging to leave a lasting impression on potential customers and clients.
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From Concept to Creation: Designing Your Step and Repeat Background
A Step and Repeat Background Banner, often simply referred to as a Step and Repeat Banner, is a backdrop predominantly used during events, where logos, brand names, or other emblematic symbols are displayed in a repeated pattern.
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Save Quotes and Designs Online!
We are excited to say that we have added two great functions to our customer accounts on our website. This blog breaks down how to Save Designs and Save Quotes making it super easy!
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Introducing Customer Accounts! Let us show you around.
We have had so many requests for this functionality and we’re sorry it’s taken us until now, however we are excited to say that we have officially launched customer accounts on our website. Better late than never right? This blog breaks down customer accounts and goes into depth about what each section means.
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How do you select and use a Green Screen Chroma Key Backdrop?
Find out everything that you need to know about buying a great green screen. Including information about why are fabric green screens the best option when creating a seamless Chroma Key Background.
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How Do I Choose My Ideal Color?
Do you have a really cool color in mind but aren’t exactly sure how to describe it to us? We’ve got a solution to help you decide!
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Why does the artwork for Window Graphics need to allow for the mullions?
Digitally printed Window Graphics can create a stunning effect when applied across large sections of window panels. In many cases the window panels will have aluminum mullions between them - and these mullions can ruin the effect of the graphic unless they are taken into consideration when setting up the artwork. We will explain why this is so important.
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Why do artwork files need to be set up in CMYK and not RGB?
Easy Signs require print ready artwork files to be set up as CMYK - and not RGB.
Why? This is because our printers print in CMYK - so setting up the files this way will ensure that the colors printed on the signs are as close as possible to the colors expected by our customers.
Would you like to know more? We will explain the differences between RGB and CMYK and how to set up your artwork file in CMYK.
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